SustainabilityCorporate Social Responsibility

Top Commitment

Toshiharu Okamoto

Renaissance works for health improvement, which provides a foundation upon which our customers can create a purpose for their lives. Through this work, Renaissance also wishes for both the company and its members to achieve a meaningful life. With this idea in mind, we refer to Renaissance as a “company for creating purpose in life.” We have clearly stated that we aim to “contribute to society through our core business” based on our business characteristics.
In the meantime, the demographic trend in Japan is increasingly one of a declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people, and “health” is no longer an issue for individuals but also an important component of national policy. Extending the population’s healthy life expectancy has been discussed as a national growth strategy, and health is both a means for handling the rapidly growing costs of social security in Japan and a crucial element of the plan for “Promoting the Dynamic Engagement of all Citizens.”
As people sound the alarm over the sustainability of Japanese society, Renaissance is more strongly than ever aware of its social responsibility.
With a virtually limitless array of projects based on the keyword of “health,” we think that the activation of our important management resource, personnel, is our highest priority. Since assuming the position of CHO (Chief Health Officer) in June 2020, I have announced the “Renaissance KENKOKEIEI ‘Health and Productivity Management’ Declaration”, promoted the health of our employees, and reformed our working styles with a focus on facilitating personal and corporate development that will produce sustainable growth.
As a result of our efforts to improve our employees’ work satisfaction, Renaissance has been listed among the top companies by the Great Place to Work® Institute Japan for six years in a row. As a service industry company with branches all over the country, we have addressed the issue of helping employees to achieve an appropriate work-life balance—an issue we had struggled with for many years. Specifically, we have introduced flextime and telecommuting to improve employees’ working conditions. We have also supported female employees with their career design so that they can have fulfilment in both their life events and their career development. This has helped us to achieve a decline in our turnover rate of female employees for three years in a row. As a result of such efforts and for the fifth consecutive year since fiscal 2016, Renaissance has been certified by METI and Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council) as a White 500 company under the 2021 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program.
Renaissance will continue its efforts to enhance its corporate governance systems and strive to actively create new businesses through innovation in order to improve its corporate value and thereby help all of our stakeholders to create a purpose for their lives.

Toshiharu Okamoto
Representative Director, President,
and Corporate Officer

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